MADLaT 2010 pre-conference pm

MADLaT 2010 » web 2.0 pedagogy (am pre-conference) » mobile learning (pm pre-conference)


Ya Mean It's A Phone TOO!?! (mobile learning)

How can the phones most kids have in their pockets make all spaces learning spaces and potentially shift learning times to any time? Think about it, the cell phone in your pocket right now is 20 times more powerful than the computer system that put the first man on the moon. How can we take advantage of that to engage all students as active learners? Using the four basic features of today's common mobile phones (voice, text, pictures, and video) participants will explore how to accomplish meaningful learning goals in an educational context. As we work through the session you will create all sorts of multimedia and instantly post it to the web. We’ll explore how mobile technology can be leveraged to support strong pedagogical goals.


Please be considerate of others and keep your cell phone ON!

(Do we really need to tell you to bring your own cell phone?)


At The End ...

Please share feedback here.


Getting Started ...

Join the live chat here.





The Blog

How To Go Mobile Google Doc